David Bailey weds Catherine Deneuve

11 February 2010

Temperature control

temperature is a standard method of describing colours for use in a range of situations and with diff
erent equipment

I went out the other day to Branston water park to take some trial photos to experiment with ISO's, apertures, and shutter speeds. It was a fairly bright day with some clouds in the sky, I found a very photogenic Robin and started snapping away. Little did I know I had the white balance set incorrectly and all my photos came out with a blueish tone to them, (this I did not notice until I downloaded them to the computer at college and Steve picked it up). I chose a couple of photos
to adjust in Photoshop (please see photos below). I uploaded the images and altered the white balance from a very blueish shade at around 8000-9000 to around 5500 which is the tone my camera should of been set to.
I think this happened because my camera was set on RAW and I hadn't changed all of the settings I needed to. That is one big lesson learnt.
I know there is a sign post in the back ground, again I didn't notice it when I was taking the photos. I'm not yet sure of how you can Photoshop that out Or next time I will be more vigilant when taking the photo.
For the photo of the robin I used ISO 300, a shutter speed of 1/250 and a Aperture of 6.4 with a focal length of 55mm using my canon 450d with the 18-55mm lens. In photoshop all I had to do was correct the tone/temperature of the image. For the image of the water I used ISO 300, a shutter speed of 1/800 and a aperture of 5.6 with a focal length of 35mm using the same equipment. Again all I needed to do in photoshop was correct the tone of the image.
With being at a gravel pit and walking around the waters edge I had to be aware of the safety factors of this. Suitable footwear should be worn and great care to be taken whilst taking photos especially around the water. With it being a public area you have to be aware of other people around you and be considerate and keep all equipment out of the way as to not cause any accidents. Also with it being a nature reserve whilst you are there you have to follow the rules of the site, for example only go where the public are permitted.

Image 1

Image 2

Image 3

Image 4

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sam,
    This is great work and free written as well in your own words. This small part of your work can tick off a lot of criteria.
    1.1, 1.4,1.6,1.7 and 1.8 all you have to do is to write a bit more about what you did camera wise, such as f stops, shutter speeds and ISO's.
    Also maybe the implications of health and safety regarding going to a deep gravel pit as daft as it sounds will tick off criteria 1.9.
    I should know I used to fish there 25 foot deep in places.



Techniques, materials and resources used for portrait photography 1.1

There are many different formats and techniques that can be applied to portrait photography.

Framing is a technique where by you draw attention to one element of an image by framing it with another element of the image. This gives an image depth and draws the eye to a point of interest in the image.
You could do it by placing your subject in a window or doorway, have them look through a small gap or even use their hands around their face.

Shooting with a wide angle lens attached to your camera can help create some memorable shots when you’re doing portrait photography.
At very wide focal lengths you can create some wonderful distortion. Using these focal lengths will enlarge parts of the face or body that are on the edge of the frame more than what is in the centre.
It can also give a wide open and dramatic impact when your subject is in an impressive setting.

The person in your portrait is the main point of interest – however sometimes when you place them into different contexts with different backgrounds you can dramatically alter the mood in a shot.

Having parts of a portrait in focus draws attention on certain parts of the face or body, or a completely unfocused portrait can add a dreamy effect and make a picture quite abstract.

Black and white portraits can be just as dramatic as colour. By adding a shot of colour can draw attention to certain parts of the photo.
"When we shoot in color, we do not depart from what we see everyday, so our eye expects certain details in order to fill out the image. Black and white photography gives us the opportunity to diverge from this norm, and in a way view reality as an abstraction."

Equipment I have at home and what is avaliable to me at college 1.1

I have at home the Canon 450d camera which comes with the standard 18-55mm lens.

At college there is a wide range of lenses avaliable to use along with higher quality cameras. There is a studio which contains a wide range of backdrops, studio lights, reflectors and soft box.

Canon 450D

Canon 450d

This is the camera which I have started out with, the basic entry level canon 450d.  For specification details click on the image.
I don't really have any experience of digital SLR's, the only cameras I have used previously are point and shoot digital and film SLR's.  
I don't have an opinion on my camera yet as I haven't really used it enough to comment other than I find it fairly easy to use and understand. 

Standard 50mm lens

What makes this lens ideal for portriture is its angle-of-view is the closest to our own eyes and the easiest to use to get the most natural looking shots. You can even visualise shots without putting the camera to your eye. This doesn’t mean this lens is boring compared to the extremes that a telephoto or wide-angle will give. On the contrary, it’s just a lens that works well and keeps your photography simple. It is also ideal, as long as you remember not to get too close to your subject, which will lead to unflattering distortion to your sitters face. It works especially well with full-length portraits, but you can get some very nice head and shoulder shots.

Standard 50mm lens

70-200mm Lens

The telephoto lens allows you to take tightly composed pictures of subjects where it is impractical to get any closer and to use a wider lens, therefore they are useful for candid photography, this lens is small, lightweight and unobtrusive.
Short telephoto focal lengths are widely used in portraiture for their unnatural, non standard view makes objects at different distances appear closer together than they are in reality. Using a wide angle lens for head and shoulder close ups makes people's noses and other facial features more prominent - while a slight telephoto focal length flattens the features a touch, to give a more flattering result.
Telephotos are also useful in portraiture because when used with largish apertures, it is easy to throw a background out of focus thus drawing the viewers attention to certain parts of the scene.

70-200mm lens f/2.8 IS